Saturday, February 6, 2010

Baby It's Cold Outside

This winter has been unusually cold by Alabama standards. Most winters we might have a cold day followed by a string of temps in the 60s. But this year we have been having some pretty decent cold spells. The beginning of January was insanely cold. There were a few days when the temperature didn’t reach above freezing. Luckily, those days ended and we had some nice 60 degree days. It felt so good that we planned a trip to the zoo. However, old man winter decided to come back much too soon.
The boys spent most of the zoo trip like this...

Even the animals wanted out of the cold.

Do you see the chimpanzees?

Neither did we.

It was just too cold. We did manage to coax the boys out of the warm stroller a few times.

They are so cute!

The Happiest Place on Earth

I have been a slacker for these past couple of months. I decided that maybe it was time to update. Since my last post a lot has happened. I won't be able to blog it all, but I'll hit the highlights for this and the next couple of posts. I guess that I'll start with the holidays. This year we decided to plan a family trip. We chose to spend a week in Orlando. We were able to go to Magic Kingdom, an Orlando Magic game, which they won, an urgent care clinic, and the ER. Yeah, they were fun times. It was fun to spend time with my family. Everyone got along well which is always good. Below are some pics of Disney. I managed to have a lot of fun even though I was little sick that week.